Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Around here we have a saying: Making Victory Happen (or MVH).

When we volunteer, we're making victory happen.
When we tithe and give, we're making victory happen.

On the outside it seems like a nice little reminder that it takes people and money to keep Victory Church running week to week.

But it is so much more than that. 
It's not just a reminder of who we are as a church, but a profound statement of why we are here. 
It colors everything we do.
Every event.
Every service.
Every word.

We as a church understand that we exist to make victory happen corporately and individually.
For us, for others, and for the world.

Victory in execution.
It is true that it takes people to make the church run. But the church does not just exist to perpetuate itself. Every time we turn on a light switch or unlock a door we do it for one reason: to create and inspire victory in the lives of people. 

If we don't keep this in mind as we plan every detail, then the things we do can become a distraction, or worse yet, a deterrent. 

Personal Victory
Every Christian has a deep and profound need to be productive for the kingdom of God. Some have not realized it yet and some have learned to ignore it, but it was born in your spirit the moment you were born again. 

Each one of us was gifted specifically to draw people to Christ in a unique way. 
There is something indescribable about stepping into that place of power that God has prepared you for, and once you have tasted a life of serving in your place of purpose, you are ruined for a life of selfishness. 

You have caught the first glimpse of the life of victory and, from then on, nothing else will ever do.

Victory for others
The satisfaction that comes from a life of service is only part of making victory happen. The end reason for reaching out to serve people is for the people themselves. 

We give so people may receive. 

We serve so people may learn of God's nature.
We go last to give people the gift of going first.
We sacrifice to bring people hope.

As servants of people we have the unique privilege of watching God's work up close. 

We have a front row seat as lives are changed.
Bodies are healed.
Marriages are salvaged.
Addictions are beaten.
Broken people are reassembled.
Hope is kindled.
Darkness is overcome.

The truth is when you watch victory happen in the lives of people, the satisfaction it brings you really becomes a trivial thing. 

In fact, after a while, you tend to forget about yourself altogether.


1 Peter 4:10

Each of you has been blessed with one of God's many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well.