Thursday, September 26, 2013

Revival Starts Here

An instance of something becoming active or important again.

Someone said to me the other day, "It's been awhile since we have had a revival at Victory"

Of course what they were looking for was a specific type of meeting. A good, old fashioned, tent meeting style event where a special speaker comes in for several evenings.

The services are long.
The gifts are flowing.
The spirit of God is palpable.

These are all good things. But there is more than one kind of revival.
I'm talking about a personal revival. More specifically, a revival of your personal ministry.

Too often we wait for revival to happen to us. We live life out of routine. We do because we have aways done. Our ministry can become stagnant and we default to what is comfortable.

There is no life in our work.
Standards drop.
Passion fades.

We have all seen this happen around us.
So what do you do if you find yourself in this position?

The first step may seem obvious: Pray.
Only Jesus can truly bring revival to your life and ministry.
In Him there is newness.
In Him there is life.
In Him there is passion.

Secondly: Look.
Look at what other people are doing and find a way to improve it and make it your own.
Find another artist who does what you do, but does it exponentially better than you, and let their work inspire you and push you.

Thirdly: Move.
Get out there and do it.
Do something in your ministry that you have never done before.
Do something genuine.
Do something that makes you nervous. 

Lastly: Repeat.
When you feel like you are simply repeating the things you have always done, remind yourself of these principals. None of us are immune to passivity.
Including me.

Sometimes I need to be reminded.
I need to not be afraid to try something new.
I need my passion to become active again.
I need to remember the importance of my mission

You don't need to wait for someone to set up a tent before life can come back into your ministry.
Revival can start anytime.
And it can start with you.

But it doesn't have to stop with you.
When personal revival begins in you, it spreads. It can't stay contained. It spills over onto those around you. When personal revival begins to spread, corporate revival is inevitable.
It waits just below the surface.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ...all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)
