Thursday, January 31, 2013

Glo 2012

As we sat in our first Glo planning meeting in the early part of July, I knew this was going to be a long process.

I have been present at every single Glo performance (except Friday night of 2011) since it started in 2007. I have photographed every year and last year I helped with some of the video shoots. Even still I had no idea what all went into it.

For months we planned.

I lost track of the number of meals I ate at my desk and the number of 13 hour days I and many others worked.

Then it came. December 12th. Premiere night.

Lights. Music. Photography. Crowds cheering.

And then in a flash it went. 6 months of work finished in what seemed like one frenzied moment.

6 months of planning.
Long days.
Late nights.

Was it worth it?

Sunday, December 16th, 11:35pm. I read these numbers: 5369 attended. 680 salvations.

I can not describe, nor will I ever forget, the feeling of knowing I was a part of that.

Performing the work of the ministry is so much more than worth it. It is an immeasurable honor that cannot be described or explained.

It's 3:36 on a Thursday afternoon. There are no click tracks to synchronize, no overflow room to set up, no 30 minute countdown to export a 6th version of. Glo 2012 is already a distant memory and I will be leaving in a few minutes to go home and see my family.

But in the back of my mind remain two irrevocable truths.

The work of the ministry is never done.
And it's worth it.


Ephesians 4:1
Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.